ALMA will resolve your design challenges
ALMA is utilised for various design tasks and in many different areas of activity. For example, in telecommunications, automation and maintenance planning, reliable tools are of primary importance.
ALMA is utilised for various design tasks and in many different areas of activity. For example, in telecommunications, automation and maintenance planning, reliable tools are of primary importance.
ALMA is used to design various production and maintenance systems in several sectors of industry. As an easy-to-use software, it is often employed by companies with their own employees acting as designers and system developers. In addition to this, ALMA is being utilised by design and engineering offices in different parts of Finland. The same software can be adapted to various applications.
When starting design work, it is important for the conception and documentation to be under control and in order from the very beginning. Based on feedback from our customers, all is well in this respect. When the basis of a project is in order, much less corrections or modifications will be needed in the future. This way, unnecessary adjustments can be avoided.
The volume of the design project is of no special significance. Both smaller and larger projects can be implemented using the same software. Large design projects often consist of many smaller parts and sub-projects. These can also be conveniently integrated as part of the overall design.
Decades of ongoing development work has resulted in many new features and possibilities of the software. The world is constantly changing around us, so new features are needed all the time. At the same time, some older features can be discarded. From the viewpoint of usability, presence of outdated features no longer of any use to anyone in software often poses problems.
With the SaaS license, the latest updated version of the software is at the customer’s service 24/7, complete with all the new features and the latest security updates.
ALMA is used, for example, in the mining, forestry, and energy industries for information network and automation system design. ALMA is often the main and only design tool. It allows collecting all important individualized data from the new system. Based on these data, the maintenance installers can perform their work efficiently from the very start. Equipment faults are found quicker, which means that the installer can go straight to the right site and right unit.
In some cases, without ALMA, design work would be troublesome or even altogether impossible. The workload of many design projects could increase quite significantly.
In design offices, good software makes it possible to design different projects for several different customers at the same time. You can separate the wheat from the chaff, and each project retains its own unique essence. Workdays will not continue until the early hours, at least not because of the design tool. At the same time, the efficiency benefits of the software are also passed on to the design company’s end customers.
Naturally, a good software solution includes comprehensive tools for managing connections and I/O, bus, and IP addresses. The design outcomes are output from the system as various diagrams and reports in the exact format preferred by the customer.
Furthermore, design work contents can be viewed using the navigator and various dashboards. The mobile user interface also has a loyal and constantly growing user base. The interface is especially popular among management, installation, and operating personnel.
In terms of cost reduction and sensibility of operation, it is also important for the management of many different changes to be efficient and easy.
The popularity and functionality of the ALMA system with respect to design use is the result of interaction over several decades. For this, we have to thank our motivated customers who have been involved in continuous development and improvement of the product.
For more information on the design use of ALMA, please contact me using the information below.
Risto Korpi
Vitec ALMA Oy
Phone 010 419 8560